Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ for Consumers
How do I get a copy of my credit report?
You can access and receive a free credit report from all three credit reporting agencies annually.
How can I make a payment on my account?
Payments can be made online by clicking here.
Payment options include ACH using your checking account information, debit card, or credit card. You will need your account number and pin number provided on your letter from Allied. If you do not have this information, please call an account representative to request assistance. Due to privacy regulation, this information cannot be requested or sent by e-mail or text.
You may also call our office to process or schedule your payment(s).
Payment can be mailed to Allied Collection Service, Inc., PO Box 670, Columbus, IN 47202. Please do not send cash through the mail.
How can I be sure this is my bill
The validation letter sent to you at the time the account is listed with our agency for collection will show the original creditor’s name, any adjustments and/or payments, any interest or other charges, and the current balance due. If you have questions, contact an account representative by telephone or mail a written correspondence. Be sure to include the reference number listed on your validation letter.
What if I don't know what this debt is for?
The validation letter sent to you at the time the account is listed with our agency for collection will show the original creditors name and the current balance due. If you have questions, contact an account representative by telephone or by mail to request details. Due to privacy concerns, this information cannot be provided by fax or e-mail.
Why can't I get information about my account online?
Privacy is our top concern. We must be able to verify the identity of the person requesting the information to avoid violation of privacy laws that are in place to protect you and your personal information.
Why can't I get information on my child's account who is over 18?
Indiana laws state a person is of age at 18. Therefore, your non-minor child is responsible for his/her own debt at that time. Based on our interpretation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) communication with the parent without the non-minor’s direct consent would be a prohibited third-party communication even if the parent assumes overall financial responsibility for the non-minor child. To do so would invade the privacy of the non-minor child in violation of the Act. A non-minor child must provide express consent to discuss his/her account with a parent.
Who is responsible for our child's bill when we are divorced?
Typically, both parents are legally responsible for a minor child’s necessities owed to third parties. Unless Allied was a party involved in the divorce it cannot be bound by the terms of the divorce decree. Please contact your legal counsel with questions.
Who can discuss my account with the collection agency
We may not communicate, in connection with the collection of any debt, with any person other than the consumer, the consumer’s attorney, a consumer reporting agency if otherwise permitted by law, the creditor, the attorney of the creditor, or the attorney of the debt collector, and an executor of an estate.
My account information is incorrect or this is not my account. How do I dispute the account?
Please allow 60 days for the credit reporting agency to update your file.
You can access the credit bureau’s contact information by clicking the resource tab above. From there, a dispute can be initiated via their respective websites. The credit reporting agency will then send an electronic request to the furnisher of the information for verification. This process must be followed to correct any inaccurate information the credit reporting agency has placed on your file.